TAFE 9515, 4WD, 68KW

Here are the specifications for the TAFE 9515 tractor, which is available in 4WD with a 68KW engine:

  • Engine: 4.4-liter, 4-cylinder, water-cooled diesel engine
  • Horsepower: 92 hp
  • Transmission: 12 forward and 4 reverse gears
  • Brakes: Oil-immersed disc brakes
  • PTO (Power Take Off): 540/1000 RPM
  • Hydraulic system: 3-point linkage with lift capacity of 2500 kg
  • Fuel capacity: 100 liters
  • Wheelbase: 2710 mm
  • Turning radius with brakes: 4.8 m
  • Weight: 3450 kg

Note that some of these specifications may vary depending on the year of manufacture and country of origin.

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Here are the specifications for the TAFE 9515 tractor, which is available in 4WD with a 68KW engine:

  • Engine: 4.4-liter, 4-cylinder, water-cooled diesel engine
  • Horsepower: 92 hp
  • Transmission: 12 forward and 4 reverse gears
  • Brakes: Oil-immersed disc brakes
  • PTO (Power Take Off): 540/1000 RPM
  • Hydraulic system: 3-point linkage with lift capacity of 2500 kg
  • Fuel capacity: 100 liters
  • Wheelbase: 2710 mm
  • Turning radius with brakes: 4.8 m
  • Weight: 3450 kg

Note that some of these specifications may vary depending on the year of manufacture and country of origin.